

Tuesday 19th July

 Left the bush camp and headed back to the Black Sea coast road.  90 minutes later (through several long road tunnels) we got to the Georgia border where we left Turkey and the real adventure should begin.  

The police stopped us briefly over the border as we were missing a form.  Shortly afterwards we stopped at the Roman Fortress at Gonia-Apsaarosi for an hour to look around the ruins and museum.  We then made our way to Batumi, which wasn’t in the original plan, but does have some embassies which allow about 8 of the group to obtain their outstanding visas.   

We couldn’t find a suitable hotel, so we bush camped in a Rugby/Sports ground.  That’s 3 bush camps in a row.  Fortunately this time there are a couple of hotels (good for beer and toilets). 

Truck Cluedo update.  At the bush camp this evening Lily killed Lyn using a spoon.  Apparently she died with a smile on her face saying I’m dead. 

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