

Wednesday 20th July (to Kataisi)

This morning six (Lu, Megan, Gary, Vanessa , Carl and Terry) went into the Batumi centre to either process their applications for one of the Visas or find out information about obtaining them.  They have to return on the following Monday (25th July) to complete the process.  Phil & Marina, Norman, Lyn and me also took a local minibus into the centre to explore the shops.  Norman, Lyn and me returned using a taxi (complete with severely cracked windscreen) having bought some tee shirts and some food for lunch. 

At 12:00 we left for Sataplia Nature Reserve – animals roamed the road, so we had to avoid cows and goats.  When we arrived at Kutaisi Lu could not find a suitable hotel (again – Georgia is just not geared up for tourism), so we then spent some time exploring Sataplia Nature Reserve (Dinosaur footprints, a natural cave and a glass viewing platform).  We made bush camp on the way down from the nature reserve

Truck Cluedo update.  There are now only 12 still alive as we continue our big adventure. 

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